Луцьке Хрестовоздвиженське братство: історіографічний аспект та актуальні проблеми


  • Іryna Voronchuk НДІУ, Україна



Ключові слова:

Луцьке Хрестовоздвиженське братство, джерела, історіографія, монастир, школа, шпиталь, друкарня, функціонування, православ’я, відродження


Розглядається історіографічний аспект вивчення Луцького Хрестовоздвиженського братства, аналізуються джерельна база та погляди істориків на процеси виникнення і становлення братства, особливості функціонування тощо. На підставі узагальнення існуючого доробку зроблено висновок про актуальні проблеми подальшого вивчення історії братства.

Біографія автора

Іryna Voronchuk, НДІУ

Ірина Ворончук, доктор історичних наук, доцент, завідувач відділу історичних пам’яток


ALEKSANDROVYCH, V. (2007). Protocols of Visitations to the Lutsk (Fraternal) Holy Cross Exaltation Monastery in 1752 and 1763 Years. In: Kovcheh: naukovyi zbirnyk iz tserkovnoi istorii. (The Ark: Collected Scientific Papers in Church History), (5). Lviv, pp. 335–383. [in Ukr.]

ANTONOVYCH, V. (1900). Essay on the Situation of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine from the Middle of the 17th till the End of the 18th Century. In: M. Hrushevskyi, O. Levytskyi. Rozvidky pro tserkovni vidnosyny na Ukraini-Rusi XVI–XVIII st. (Studies on Church Relations in Ukraine-Rus of the 16th–18th Centuries). Lviv, pp. 81–146. [in Ukr.]

ANTONOVICH, V. (1995). Essay on the State of the Orthodox Church in South-Western Russia from the 1650s till the End of the 18th Century. In: Moia spovid: Vybrani istorychni ta publitsystychni tvory. (My Confession: Selected Historical and Journlistic Works). Kyiv: Lybid, pp. 470–532. [in Rus.]

Archives of South-Western Russia, Published by the Provisional Commission for the Analysis of Ancient Acts, Established under the Governor-General of Kiev, Podol, and Volhynia. (1871). Part I, Vol. IV. Kyiv: Universitetskaya tipografіya, 99 + 746 p. [in Rus.]

Archives of South-Western Russia, Published by the Provisional Commission for the Analysis of Ancient Acts, Established under the Governor-General of Kiev, Podol, and Volhynia. (1883). Part I, Vol. VI. Kyiv: Tipografiya G. T. Korchak-Novitskogo, 182 + 938 p. [in Rus.]

DOVBYSHCHENKO, M., comp. (2014). History of the Lutsk Brotherhood and Fraternal Monastery in 1617–1833. Vol. 1 of Archives of the Ukrainian Church: Series 2. Sources. Lutsk: Terezy, 688 p. [in Ukr.]

BIRIULINA, O. (1997). Sources to the History of the Lutsk Brotherhood. In: Istoriia relihii v Ukraini. Tezy povidomlen VII Mizhnarodnoho kruhloho stolu (12–14 travnia 1997 r.) (History of the Religion in Ukraine. Proceedings of the 7th International Roundtable Discussion. May 1997). Lviv, pp. 17–19. [in Ukr.]

BONDARCHUK, A. (2007). Brotherhood of the Cross in the Context of the Activity of Its Assignee. In: Mynule i suchasne Volyni ta Polissia. Lutska miska hromada: istoriia, tradytsii, liudy. Nauk. Zbirnyk (The Past and the Present of Volyn and Polissia. Lutsk Municipal Community: History, Trditions, People. Collected Scientific Works), Vol. 26. Lutsk, pp. 151–159. [in Ukr.]

BONDARCHUK, A. (2013). From Ruins to a Museum. Staryi Lutsk, Vol. 9. Lutsk, pp. 465–469. [in Ukr.]

VIIK, H. (1899). Lutsk Orthodox Brotherhood of the Holy Cross Exaltation (1899). Instytut rukopysu NBU (Institute of Manuscript of National Library of Ukraine), 238 p. [in Rus.]

VORONCHUK, I. (2016). Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood: Historiographical Tradition, Problems, and Prospects. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian Sudies), Vol. 4 (62), pp. 15–29. [in Ukr.]

HORIN, S. (2008). Lutsk Brotherhood of the Holy Cross Exaltation in the 1620–30s. Works of the Historical-Philosophical Section, Vol. CCLVI of Zapysky naukovoho tovarystva imeni Shevchenka. Lviv: Research and Publishing Center of T. Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, pp. 142–162. [in Ukr.]

HORIN, S. (2012). Monasteries of Lutsk-Ostroh Diocese of the Late 15th – Middle of the 17th Century: Functioning and Place in Volhynia Society. Kyiv: Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia, 2012, 555 p. [in Ukr.]

HRINCHENKO, B. (1907). Brotherhoods and Education in Ukraine from the Times of the Polish Rule till B. Khmelnitsky, (11). Kyiv: Tovarystvo Prosvita u Kyievi, 37 p. [in Ukr.]

HRUSHEVSKYI, M. (1995). Economic, Cultural, and National Life of the 14th–17th Century, Vol. 6 of History of Ukraine-Rus. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 667 p. [in Ukr.]

DOVBYSHCHENKO, M. (2017). Lutsk Orthodox Brotherhood of 1617–1648 in the Light of New Archival Documents. In: Mynule i suchasne Volyni ta Polissia. Lutska miska hromada: istoriia, tradytsii, liudy. Nauk. Zbirnyk (The Past and the Present of Volyn and Polissia. Lutsk Municipal Community: History, Trditions, People. Collected Scientific Works), Vol. 26. Lutsk, pp. 148–151. [in Ukr.]

DOVBYSHCHENKO, M. (2008). Volhynia Gentry in the Religious Movements of the Late 16th – First Half of the 17th Century. Kyiv: Serhiichuk M. I., 882 p. [in Ukr.]

DUBLIANSKYI, A. (1934). Lutsk: A Historical Essay. Lutsk, 32 p. [in Ukr.]

ZHURBA, O. (1993). Kyiv Archeographic Commission. 1843 – 1921. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 185 p. [in Ukr.]

ISAIEVYCH, Ya. (1996). Brotherhoods and Their Role in the Development of the Ukrainian Culture in the 16th–18th Centuries. Kyiv, 251 p. [in Ukr.]

ISAIEVYCH, Ya. (2001). Brotherhoods and Their Schools. School of Uniates. In: Ukrainian Culture of the 13th – First Half of the 17th Century, Vol. 2 of History of Ukrainian Culture in Five Volumes. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, pp. 549–564. [in Ukr.]

KRALIUK, P. (1996). Lutsk Brotherhood of the Holy Cross Exaltation. Lutsk: Nadstyria, 52 p. [in Ukr.]

LEVITSKIY, O. (1883). Acts on Church-Religious Relations in South-Western Russia (1322–1648). In: Archives of South-Western Russia Published by the Provisional Commission for the Analysis of Ancient Acts, Established under the Governor-General of Kiev, Podol, and Volhynia. Part 1, Vol. 4. Kyiv: Tipografiya G. T. Korchak-Novitskogo, pp. 1– 182. [in Rus.]

LEVITSKIY, O. (1891). Lutsk Antiquities. Kyiv: Tipografiya Imperatorskogo Universiteta sv. Vladimira, 37 p. [in Rus.]

MAKSIMOVICH, M. (1841). On the Monuments of the Lutsk Brotherhood of the Holy Cross Exaltation. Kiyevlyanin, pp. 311–323. [in Rus.]

MARKOV, P. (1997). Life and Works of M. Maksimovich. Kyiv: VIPOL, 198 p. [in Rus.]

MENKO, V. (2009). Church Brotherhoods of Volhynia in Historiography of the Second Half of the 19th – Early 21st Century. Drohobytskyj kraieznavchyj zbirnyk. (Drohobych Regional History Studies Collection),Vol. XIII. Drohobych: Kolo, pp. 146–155. [in Ukr.]

MERDER, A. (1910). Lutsk Antiquities and Its Past. Reference. Voyenno-istoricheskiy vestnik, (9–10). Kyiv, pp. 35–48. [in Rus.]

OHIIENKO, I. (1994). The History of Ukrainian Printing. Kyiv: Lybid, 448 p. [in Ukr.]

ORDA, L. (1902). Holy Cross Exaltation Brotherly Church in Lutsk. Experience of a Historical Essay. Lutsk, 41 p. [in Rus.]

Monuments Issued by the Provisional Commission for the Analysis of Ancient Acts, Established under the Kiev Military, Podol and Volhynia Governor-General (1845). Vol. I. Kyiv: Tipografiya universiteta sv. Vladimira, XIII+ 274+ 112+473 p. [in Rus.]

Monuments Issued by the Provisional Commission for the Analysis of Ancient Acts, Established under the Kiev Military, Podol and Volhynia Governor-General (1898). Vol. I. Kyiv: Tipografiya universiteta sv. Vladimira, 633 p. [in Rus.]

PAPKOV, A. (1990) Brotherhoods. Essay on the History of Western Russian Orthodox Brotherhoods. Sergiyev Posad, 419 p. [in Rus.]

PETROV, N., MALYSHEVSKIY, I. (1888). Volhynia. The Historical Destinies of the South-Western Territories. Saint Petersburg: Obshchestvennaya polza, XV+288+127 p. [in Rus.]

PERLSHTEYN, A. (1851). Lutsk and Its Antiquities. Vremennik Imperatorskogo Moskovskogo Obshchestva istorii i drevnostey rossiyskikh. Book IX. Moscow: Universitetskaya tipografiya, pp. 37–45. [in Rus.]

REUTSKII, N. (1892) Principality of Lutsk and Lutsk Orthodox Brotherhood of the Holy Cross Exaltation. Trudy Kievskoy Dukhovnoy Akademii. Kyiv, 36 p. [in Rus.]

ROZHKO, V. (2016). His Eminence Anatolii Dublianskyi, Metropolitan of Paris and Western Europe. Lutsk: Volyn Regional Printing House PrJSC, 279 p. [in Ukr.]

ROZHKO, V. (2012). Spiritual Orthodox Educational Institutions of the 10th–20th Centuries’ Volyn. Lutsk: MEDIA, 278 p. [in Ukr.]

ROZHKO, V. (1997). Orthodox Monasteries in Volhynia. Lutsk: Nadstyria, 347 p. [in Ukr.]

SAVYCH, A. (1929). Essays on the History of Cultural Movements in Ukraine and Belarus in the 16th –18th Centuries. Kyiv: All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Printing House, 341 p. [in Ukr.]

TITOV, F. (1905). Western Russia in the Struggle for Faith and Nationality in the 17th–18th Centuries, Vol. I of The Russian Orthodox Church in the Polish-Lithuanian State in the 17th–18th Centuries (1654–1795). The Experience of Church-Historical Research: In 2 Volumes. Kyiv: Tipografiya S. V. Kulzhenko, 10+304 p. [in Rus.]

UVODSKIY, N. (1878). A Historical Sketch on the Ancient Volhynia Dioceses – Those of Vladimir and Lutsk. Volynskiye yeparkhialnyye vedomosti, (5), pp. 205–220; (9), pp. 347–369; (10), pp. 395–418; (11), pp. 431–449; (12), pp. 466–493. [in Rus.]

ULYANOVSKIY, V. (1994). The Middle of the 15th – the End of the 16th Century, Book 1 of History of Church and Religious Thought in Ukraine. Tutorial: In 3 Books. Kyiv: Lybid, 250 p. [in Ukr.]

HARLAMPOVICH, K. (1898). Western Russian Orthodox Schools of the 16th and Early 18th Century, Their Attitude towards the Heterodox; Their Religious Instruction and Merits in the Defense of the Orthodox Faith and Church. Kazan, XIII+584 p. [in Rus.]

HARLAMPOVICH, K. (1899). Western Russian Church Brotherhoods and Their Educational Activity at the End and the Beginning of the 16th and Early 18th Century. (Speech before the Defense of the Thesis: Western Russian Orthodox Schools of the 16th and Early 18th Century, Their Attitude towards the Heterodox; Their Religious Instruction and Merits in the Defense of the Orthodox Faith and Church. January10, 1899). N. d., n. p., 19 p. [in Rus.]

CHETYRKIN, F. (1871). Ancient Lutsk Brotherhood of the Holy Cross Exaltation (1617–1712). Volynskiye yeparkhialnyye vedomosti, (11), pp. 345–354; (12), pp. 410–416. [in Rus.]

CHISTOVICH, I. (1882). Essay on the History of the Western Russian Church. P. 1., 220 p.; P 2. 419 p. Saint Petersburg: Tipografiya Departamenta Udelov. [in Rus.]






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