Українські інтелектуали-дисиденти й правозахисники про становище української культури в Донецькому краї



Ключові слова:

Донецький край, інтелектуали-дисиденти, руйнування ідентичности, русифікація, українськість, український мовно-культурний простір


У статті аналізуються свідчення й оцінки українських інтелектуалів-дисидентів та правозахисників, вихідців із Донецького краю, щодо особливостей та характеру соціокультурних процесів, передовсім руйнування українського мовно-культурного простору й впровадження тотальної русифікації.

Біографія автора

Arsen Zinchenko, НДІУ

Арсен Зінченко
доктор історичних наук, професор, заступник директора НДІУ


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HOLOBORODKO, V. (2014). “People in Donbass Haven’t Left the Soviet Environment yet”. Tyzhden, (31 / August 31). [in Ukr.]

ZINKEVYCH, O., FRANTSUZHENKO, M., eds., comps. (1987). Vasyl Stus in the Life, Creative Work, Memories, and Estimates of His Contemporaries. Baltimore; Toronto: Smoloskyp, 463 p. [in Ukr.]

OVSIIENKO, V., comp. (2013). Vasyl Stus: A Poet and a Citizen. A Book of Memories and Contemplations. Kyiv: Klio, 684 p. [in Ukr.]

VERBYCHENKO, V. Remembering Vasyl Stus. In: V. OVSIIENKO, comp., Vasyl Stus: A Poet and a Citizen. A Book of Memories and Contemplations. Kyiv: Klio, pp. 67–74. [in Ukr.]

HOLOBORODKO, V. (1993). He Had Sacrificed His Life for Ukraine… In: O. ORACH (KOMAR), comp., He Hadn’t Loved His Early Trepidation to the Fullest… Vasyl Stus: A Poet and a Citizen. Memories, Articles, Letters, Poems. Kyiv: Ukrainskyi pysmennyk, pp. 143–152. [in Ukr.]

HRYHORENKO, P. (1978). Mykola Rudenko: A Poet, a Philosopher, a Fighter. In: P. HRYHORENKO and I. KACHUROVSKYI, Mykola Rudenko. Epiphany: Short and Long Poems. Baltimore; Toronto: Smoloskyp, pp. VII – ХХХІІ. [in Ukr.]

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ZAKHARCHENKO, V. (1993). He Had Won… In: O. ORACH (KOMAR), comp., He Hadn’t Loved His Early Trepidation to the Fullest… Vasyl Stus: A Poet and a Citizen. Memories, Articles, Letters, Poems. Kyiv: Ukrainskyi pysmennyk, pp. 143–152. [in Ukr.]

ZINKEVYCH, O. (2007). On the Book of Oleksa Tykhyi. In: O. TYKHYI, comp., O. ZINKEVYCH, afterword, Language Is a Nation. Expressions about the Language and Its Meaning in the Life of a Nation. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, pp. 390–393. [in Ukr.]

KONUNCHENKO, Z. (1992) I Remember You with Goodness… In: D. STUS. Life and Creative Work of Vasyl Stus. Kyiv: Fotovideoservis, pp. 13–14. [in Ukr.]

KOROHODSKYI, R. The Gate of Light: The Sixtiers. Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Press, 656 p. [in Ukr.]

KURLAT, I. (1993). Vasil Stus as I Knew Him. In: O. ORACH (KOMAR), comp., He Hadn’t Loved His Early Trepidation to the Fullest… Vasyl Stus: A Poet and a Citizen. Memories, Articles, Letters, Poems. Kyiv: Ukrainskyi pysmennyk, pp. 65–66. [in Rus.]

HRYHORENKO, P. and KACHUROVSKYI, I. (1978). Mykola Rudenko. Epiphany: Short and Long Poems. Baltimore; Toronto: Smoloskyp, 366 p. [in Ukr.]

TYKHYI, O., comp., ZINKEVYCH, O., afterword, (2007). Language Is a Nation. Expressions about the Language and Its Meaning in the Life of a Nation. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, 416 p. [in Ukr.]

ORACH (KOMAR), O., comp. (1993). He Hadn’t Loved His Early Trepidation to the Fullest… Vasyl Stus: A Poet and a Citizen. Memories, Articles, Letters, Poems. Kyiv: Ukrainskyi pysmennyk, 400 p. [in Ukr.]

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PROKOP, M. The Anatomy of the Ukrainian Resistance Movement. Suchasnist, Vol. 7–8, pp. 139–150. [in Ukr.]

ROMANKO, V. (2009). Blood Brothers from the Invincible Pleiad. In: O. FEDOROV, O. HROSOV, L. YERMAKOVA, comps., Materialy IV oblasnykh chytan “Vasyl Stus i ‘shistdesiatnytstvo’”, 10 liutoho 2009 r. (“Vasyl Stus and ‘The Sixtiers’”. Proceedings of the 4th Stus Readings. February 2009). Donetsk: Yuho-Vostok, pp. 21–25. [in Ukr.]

RUDENKO, M. (2013). Life Is the Biggest Miracle. Memoirs. Kyiv: Klio, 696 p. [in Ukr.]

SVITLYCHNYI, I., SVITLYCHNA, N.; KOTSIUBYNSKYI, M., NEZHYVYI, O., eds. (2008). From the Die-Hard Tribe of Don Quixotes. Kyiv: Hramota, 816 p. [in Ukr.]

STUS, D. (1992). Life and Creative Work of Vasyl Stus. Kyiv: Fotovideoservis, 88 p. [in Ukr.]

STUS, V. (1997). Letters to Friends and Acquaintances, Vol. 6 (add.), Book 2 of Works: In 4 Volumes, 6 Books. Lviv: Prosvita, 261 p. [in Ukr.]

STUS, V. (2012). Decolonization of the USSR is the Only Guarantee of Peace in the Whole World. From the Camp Notebook. Letters, Notes. I Accuse. The Guide for Ukrainian Fighter for Freedom. Kyiv: Ukrainska pres-hrupa, 80 p. [in Ukr.]

TYKHYI, V. (2007). Language as a Destiny. Describing the Portrait of Oleksa Tykhyi. In: O. TYKHYI, comp., O. ZINKEVYCH, afterword, Language Is a Nation. Expressions about the Language and Its Meaning in the Life of a Nation. Kyiv: Smoloskyp, pp. 394–403. [in Ukr.]






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