Державотворча діяльність українця Ярослава Потапенка (1975—2016)




Ключові слова:

Ярослав Потапенко, українці, Революція Гідності, державотворчі процеси


У статті аналізується державотворча діяльність патріота-націоналіста Я. Потапенка. Автор переконаний, що саме такі героїчні постаті сприяють становленню української національної ідеї – побудові цивілізованої української держави.

Біографія автора

Yurii Fihurnyi, НДІУ

Юрій Фігурний

кандидат історичних наук, завідувач відділу української етнології НДІУ


Personal Records of Ya. O. Potapenko. In: Personnel Department of State Higher Educational Establishment “Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University of Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi”. [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2014). Historical, Political, Social, and Cultural Effects of the Pseudo-Religious Concept of “The Russian World” in Modern Ukraine. In: Naukovi zapysky z ukrainskoi istorii: Zbirnyk naukovykh statei. (Scientific Records on Ukrainian History: The Collection of Scientific Works), (33). Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, pp. 291–297. [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2013). Conflict of Identities in Modern Ukraine: A View through the Prism of Ambivalent Historical Memory. Naukovi zapysky Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Volodymyra Hnatiuka. Seriia: Istoriia, Vol. 1 (1). Ternopil, pp. 158–164. [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. The Crisis of Orthodoxy in Ukraine: Why Did It Happen? In: PEREYASLAVIKA: Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho istoryko-etnohrafichnoho zapo­vidnyka “Pereiaslav”. Zbirnyk naukovykh statei. Relihiine zhyttia Pereiaslavskoi zemli IX–XXI st. (PEREYASLAVIKA: Scientific Records of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve “Pereiaslav”: The Collection of Scientific Works. Religious Life of Pereiaslav Land in the 9th–21st Centuries), Vol. 1 (3), pp. 154-156. [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2000). Foreign Historiography of Ukrainian National Communism. [An abstract of thesis for Candidate of Sciences degree in History, specialty 07.00.06]. Kyiv, 20 р. [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2012). Scientific Studies of Social and Cultural Dimensions of Physical Existence of a Man (late 19th – early 21st century). [An abstract of thesis for Doctor of Sciences degree in History, specialty 07.00.07]. Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, 46 p. [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2011). Appre­hending the Figure of Stepan Bandera in Modern Ukraine. Naukovi zapysky z ukrainskoi istorii: Zbirnyk naukovykh statei. (Scientific Records in Ukrainian History: The Collection of Scientific Works), (26). Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, pp. 269. [in Ukr.]

TARAPON, O., BOBROVNIK, Yu. (2015). A Historian, Intellectual, Patriot. Naukovi zapysky z ukrainskoi istorii: Zbirnyk naukovykh statei. Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi. (Scientific Records on Ukrainian History: The Collection of Scientific Works), (36). Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, pp. 187–192. [in Ukr.]

BOZHNIUK, O. (2015). Yaroslav Potapenko: “From the Beginning of the Maidan, I Realized that We Stood before the Choice: Freedom or Death”. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, (December 27, 2015). [online]. Available at: http://visnik-press.com.ua/?p=47797 [in Ukr.]

MATVIIENKO, O. (2014). Yaroslav Potapenko: “Ukraine is a Battlefield between Russia and the West”. Visti, ((9), as of March 14, 2014). [online]. Available at: http://i-visti.com/publications/09_722/6694/?print=Y [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2014). We will Destroy the System! (A Promise in the Memory of the Celestial Hundred). Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, (June 3, 2014). [online]. Available at: http://visnik-press.com.ua/?p=15554 [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2014). I Would Start the Text of the New Constitution with the Words “Ukraine above All”. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, (June 28, 2014). [online]. Available at: http://visnik-press.com.ua/?p=16529 [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2015). Ukraine Should not Become the First Country in the World to Change the Constitution in Favour of Terrorists. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, (September 3, 2015). [online]. Available at: http://visnik-press.com.ua/?p=39693 [in Ukr.]

POTAPENKO, Ya. (2015). The Relationship between Government and Society in Modern Ukraine: Tension Rises. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, (November 30, 2015). [online]. Available at: http://visnik-press.com.ua/?p=45702 [in Ukr.]




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