Український культурний ландшафт Нового світу очима Джона Лера


  • Maryna Hrymych НДІУ, Україна


Ключові слова:

Джон Лер, канадська україністика, культурний ландшафт, українці Канади, українці Південної Америки


Стаття присвячена канадському досліднику Джону Леру, розглянуто етапи його наукової біографії та здійснено огляд праць, присвячених українському культурному ландшафту в Північній та Південній Америці.

Біографія автора

Maryna Hrymych, НДІУ

Марина Гримич

доктор історичних наук, провідний науковий співробітник відділу культурологічних досліджень НДІУ


HRYMYCH, M. (2016). Essays on Ukrainian-Canadian Folklore Studies: Bohdan Medvidskyi. Kyiv: Duliby, 312 p. [in Ukr.]

KLYMASH, R.-B. (2013). Ukrainian Folklore in Canadian Prairies. Kyiv: Duliby, 320 p. [In Ukr.]

MARUNCHACK, M. (1964–1980). Studies on Ukrainian-Canadian History. Vol. 1–5. Winnipeg. [In Ukr.]

MARUNCHACK, M. (1968–1974). History of Ukrainians in Canada. Vol. 1–2. Winnipeg. [In Ukr.]

HRYMYCH, M., ed., et al. (2011). Ukrainians in Brazil. Kyiv: Duliby, 262 p. [in Ukr.]

TSIPKO, S. and LEHR, Dzh. (2006). Volyn in the New World: Ukrainian Settlements in Paraguay. Ukrainoznavstvo, Vol. 3, pp. 289–293. [in Ukr.]

TSIPKO, S. and LEHR, Dzh. (to be published in 2016). The Ukrainian Cultural Landscape in South America. In: Antropolohiya prostoru, v 5 t., t.1: Kulturnyi landshaft Kyieva ta okolyts. (The Anthropology of Space: in 5 Volumes. Vol. 1: Cultural Landscape of Kyiv and Its Suburbs). Kyiv: Duliby. [in Ukr.]

[LUPUL, M. R., ed.] (1982). A Heritage in Transition: Essays on the History of Ukrainians in Canada. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Ltd. [in Eng.]

BALAN, J. The Populist Patriot: The Life and Literary Legacy of Illia Kiriak. In: R. L. HINTHER and J. MOCHORUK, ed., Re-imagining Ukrainian Canadians: History, Politics and Identity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011, pp. 129–172. [in Eng.]

CHURCH, M. and LEHR J. C. (2007). The Portrayal of the Prairies in Canadian Children’s Literature. Prairie Forum, Vol. 32 (1), pp. 111–122. [in Eng.]

CIPKO, S. (2009). St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Edmonton: A History (1902–2002). Edmonton: St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, 244 p. [in Eng.]

CIPKO, S. and LEHR, J. (2011). From the Prairies to Paraná: An Alberta Development Project in the Municipio de Prudentópolis, Brazil. In: M. HRYMYCH, ed., et al., Ukrainians in Brazil. Кyiv: Duliby, 2011, pp. 324–341. [in Eng.]

CIPKO, S. and LEHR, J. (2006). Ukrainian Settlement in Paraguay. Prairie Perspectives, 9 (1), pp. 31–46. [in Eng.]

[LUPUL, M. R., ed.] (1988). Continuity and Change: The Cultural Life of Alberta’s First Ukrainians. Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Historic Sites Service, Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, 268 p. [in Eng.]

DASHKO, W. (1988). Tserkvy: a Survey of Ukrainian Canadian Church Architecture in Ontario, Its Major Roots and Trends. Polyphony: Bulletin of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario: Ukrainians in Ontario, 10 (1–2), pp. 191–201. [in Eng.]

DRIEDGER, L. (1983). Ukrainian Identity in Canada. In: J. ROZUMNYJ, ed., New Soil – Old Roots: The Ukrainian Experience in Canada. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Canada, pp. 183–207. [in Eng.]

HRYNIUK, S. M. and YERENIUK, R. (1983). Building the New Jerusalem on the Prairies: The Ukrainian Experience. In: B. G. SMILLIE, ed., Visions of the New Jerusalem: Religious Settlement on the Prairies. Edmonton: NeWest Press, pp.137–152.

KATZ, Y. and LEHR, J. (1999). The Last Best West: Essays on the Historical Geography of Western Canada, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press of the University of Jerusalem, 243 p.

KATZ, Y. and LEHR, J. C. (1995). Symbolism and Landscape: The Etzion Bloc in the Judean Mountains. Middle Eastern Studies, 31 (4), pp. 730–743. [in Eng.]

KATZ, Y. and LEHR J. C. (1999). The Last Best West: Essays on the Historical Geography of the Canadian Prairies. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, 241 p. [in Eng.]

KATZ, Y. and LEHR J. C. (2006). By Their Faith Shall They Live: The Hutterite Colonies in North America 1874–2006.: Yad Tabenkin: The Research and Documentation Center of the Kibbutz Movement. [In Hebrew]

KATZ, Y. and LEHR, J. (1999). The Last Best West: Essays on the Historical Geography of the Canadian Prairies. The Hebrew University; Magnes Press, 243 p. [in Eng.]

KAYE, V. J. (1964). Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada, 1895–1900: Dr. Josef Oleskow’s Role in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 420 p. [in Eng.]

LEHR J. C. (1973). Ukrainian Houses in Alberta. Alberta Historical Review, 21 (4) (Autumn), pp. 9–15. [in Eng.]

LEHR J. C. (1975). Changing Ukrainian House Styles. Alberta History, 23 (1) (Winter), pp. 25–29. [in Eng.]

LEHR J. C. (1975). The Rural Settlement Behaviour of Ukrainian Pioneers in Western Canada, 1891–1914. In: B. M. BARR, ed., Western Canadian Research in Geography. Vancouver: Tantalus, pp. 51–66. [in Eng.]

LEHR J. C. (1977). The Government and the Immigrant: Perspectives on Ukrainian Bloc Settlement in the Canadian West. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 9 (1), pp. 42–55. [in Eng.]

LEHR J. C. (1980). The Polemics of Pioneer Settlement: Ukrainian Immigration and the Winnipeg Press. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 12 (12). [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C. (1983). Texas (When I Die): National Identity and Images of Place in Canadian Country Music Broadcasts. Canadian Geographer, 27 (4), pp. 361–370. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C. (2003). Ethnicity, Space and Place in Canada’s Cultural Archipelago: The Construction of Identity. In: M. KLAUS, ed., The Canadian Alternative. Würzburg: Königshausen and Neumann GmbH, pp. 23–36. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C. (2003). “Shattered Fragments”: Community Formation on the Ukrainian Frontier of Settlement, Stuartburn, Manitoba, 1896–1921. Prairie Forum, 28 (2) (Fall), pp. 219–34. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. (1982). The Landscape of Ukrainian Settlement in Western Canada. Great Plains Quarterly. Vol. 2, (2), pp. 94–105. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. (1989). The Ukrainian Sacred Landscape: A Metaphor of Survival and Acculturation. Material History Bulletin, 29 (spring), pp. 3–11. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. (1985) Kinship and Society in the Ukrainian Pioneer Settlement of the Canadian West. Canadian Geographer, 29 (3), pр. 207–219. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. (1992). Ukrainians in Western Canada. In: A.G. NOBLE, ed., To Build in a New Land: Ethnic Landscapes in North America. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 309–330. [in Eng.]

LEHR J. (1996). One Family’s Frontier: Life History and the Process of Ukrainian Settlement in the Stuartburn District of South-Eastern Manitoba. Canadian Geographer, 40 (2), pр. 98–108. [in Eng.]

LEHR J. (2011) Community and Frontier: A Ukrainian Settlement in the Canadian Parkland. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 261 p. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C., BARLETT, J. and TABVAHTAH, J. (2006). The Distant Beat of My Father’s Drums: Contemporary Aboriginal Music and NCI-FM broadcasting, Manitoba, Canada. GeoJournal, 65, pp. 79–90. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. and CIPKO, S. (2011). Ukrainians in Brazil: Findings from a Survey on Identity. In: M. HRYMYCH, ed., et al., Ukrainians in Brazil. Кyiv: Duliby, 2011, pp. 161–190. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C. and KATZ, Y. (1994). Ethnicity, Institutions, and the Cultural Landscapes of the Canadian Prairie West. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 26 (2), pp. 70–87. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C. and KATZ, Y. (1999). Mennonite, Jewish and Ukrainian Patterns of Settlement in Manitoba: Expression of Faith in the Landscape? In: F. STAMBROOK, ed., A Sharing of Diversities: Proceedings of the Jewish, Mennonite, Ukrainian Conference “Building Bridges”. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, pp. 49–62. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C., EVERITT, J. and EVANS, S. (2008). The Making of the Prairie Landscape. Prairie Forum, 33 (1), pp. 1–38. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C. and McGREGOR, B. (2008). Using Schools to Map the Frontier of Settlement on the Canadian Prairies. Great Plains Research, 18, pp. 53–66. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. and MORSKI, J. P. (1999). Family Matters and Global Concerns: the Origins of the Ukrainian Pioneer Diaspora, 1891–1914. Journal of Historical Geography, 25 (3), pр. 349–366. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C., McGREGOR, B. and HIEBERT, W. (2006). Mapping Hutterite Colony Diffusion in North America. Manitoba History, 53 (October), pp. 29–31. [in Eng.]

LEHR, J. C., TABVAHTAH, J. and BARLETT, J. (2004). Identity and Environment in Contemporary Inuit Music. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, Vol. 7, pp. 11–20. [in Eng.]

MARTYNOWYCH, O. (1985, 1990). The Ukrainian Block Settlement in East Central Alberta, 1890–1930: A History. Historic Sites Services. Occasional paper, (10), 412 p. [in Eng.]

MARTYNOWYCH, O. (1991). Ukrainians in Canada. The Formation Years (1891–1924). Edmonton: Alberta University, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 564 p. [in Eng.]

MEINIG D. W. (1979). The Beholding Eye: Ten Versions of the Same Scene. In: D. W. MEINIG, ed., The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes: Geographical Essays. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 33–48. [in Eng.]

NAHACHEWSKY, A. (1985). Ukrainian Dug-Out Dwellings in East Central Alberta. Alberta Culture Historic Sites Service Occasional Paper, (11). Edmonton, 286 p. [in Eng.]

NAHACHEWSKY, A. (2012). Ukrainian Dance: A Cross-Cultural Approach. McFarland Press. [in Eng.]

PETRYSHYN, J. (1985). Peasants in the Promised Land: Canada and the Ukrainians, 1891–1914. Toronto: James Lorimar & Company. [in Eng.]

STADEL, C. and LEHR, J. C. (1996). Gruppensiedlung der Mennoniten und Ukrainer in der Kanadischen Prairie. Geographische Rundschau, 47 (48), pp. 247–255. [in Ger.]

Ukrainian-Canadian History, 1891–Present: A List of English-Language Secondary Sources (Monographs, Book chapters, Collections, Articles). [online]. Available at: [in Eng.]




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