Життєвий шлях та наукова діяльність патріарха української гуманітаристики Володимира Барана (1926 – 2019)




Біографія автора

Yurii Fihurnyi, Науково-дослідний інститут українознавства

Юрій Фігурний

кандидат історичних наук, завідувач відділу української етнології НДІУ


Hrymych, M., comp., (2017). “Reading the Land”: The Memoirs of Volodymyr Baran in the Records of Marina Hrymych. Kyiv: RIUS, 156 p. [in Ukr.]

Baran, V. (1986). The Early Slavic Settlement of Raškov, Ukraine. General and Comparative Archaeology, Vol. 8. Mainz am Rhein, 176 p. [in Ger.]

ABASHYNA, N. (2013). Problems of Ethnogenesis of the Slavs and the Origin of the Ukrainian People in the Works of V. Baran. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalno naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva ta vsesvitnoi istorii (Collected Scientific Works of the National Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies and World History), Vol. ХХХІ. Kyiv: NRIUSWH, pp. 38–58. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (1998). Ancient Slavs. Kyiv: Alternatyvy, 336 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (1972). Ancient Slavs between the Dniester and Pripiat. [An abstract of Thesis for Doctor of Sciences degree in History]. Moscow, 46 p. [in Rus.]

BARAN, V. (2007). Ethnogenesis of the Ukrainian People: A Brief Essay: A Scientific Journalistic Work. Kyiv: Tovarystvo “Znannia” Ukrainy, 148 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (2007). Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv, Their Sister Lybid and the Ancient Roots of Ukrainian People. Kyiv: “Atlant YuEmSi” LLC, 64 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (1978). From the Editor. Problems of the Slavs’ Ethnogeny. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, pp. 3–4. [in Rus.]

BARAN, V. (1988). Prague Culture of the Dniester Region (based on settlements in the village of Rashkov). Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 160 p. [in Rus.]

BARAN, V. (1972). Early Slavs between the Dniester and the Pripiat. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 244 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (2011). Slavs in Primitiveness and Early Middle Ages: Collection of Selected Ethnological Works. Kyiv: Milenium, 108 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (2008). Slavic Settlement in the Middle of the 1st Millennium AD near the Village of Teremtsi on the Dniester River. Kyiv: RIUS, 138 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (1981). Cherniakhiv Culture. According to the Materials of the Upper Dniester and the Western Buh. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 264 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN V., BARAN, Ya. (2002). Origin of the Ukrainian People. Kyiv: Rylsky Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology, 406 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V., HOPKALO, O. (2006). Settlements of Cherniakhiv in the Basin of the Hnyla Lypa River. Kyiv: Institute of Archaeology, 144 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V., KOZAK, D., TERPY­LOV­SKYI, R. (1991). Origin of Slavs. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 144 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (1990). Conclusion. Slavs of South-Eastern Europe in the Pre-State Period. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, pp. 454–457. [in Rus.]

BARAN, V. (1985). Conclusion. Ethnocultural Map of the Territory of the Ukrainian SSR in the 1st Millennium AD. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, pp. 157–163. [in Rus.]

BARAN, V. (1961). The Settlements of the First Centuries AD near the Village of Cherepin. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 120 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V., TOMENCHUK, B., FIHURNYI, Yu. (2017). Ancient Halych. Kyiv: Vydavets Oleh Filiuk, 134 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V., BARAN, Ya. (2005). Historical Origins of the Ukrainian People. Kyiv: Heneza, 208 p. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V., BARAN, Ya. (2011). In Search of Sources of the Ukrainian People. Selected Scientific Works. Kyiv: NRIUS, 800 p. [in Ukr.]

Recorded by Yu. Fihurnyi on April 11, 2007 from the Resident of Kyiv Volodymyr Baran. (1927).

Recorded by Yu. Fihurnyi on June 12, 2012 from the Resident of Kyiv Volodymyr Baran. (1927).

KONONENKO, P. (2013). From Archaeology to Ukrainian Studies. The 85th Anniversary of Volodymyr Baran. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoho naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva ta vsesvitnoi istorii (Collected Scientific Works of the National Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies and World History), Vol. XXXI. Kyiv: NRIUSWH, pp. 8–12. [in Ukr.]

KONONENKO, P. (2007). Calling of the Soul: The Revival of Historical Truth. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva (Collected Scientific Works of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies), Vol. XV. Kyiv: Rada, pp. 6–11. [in Ukr.]

KONCHA, S. (2001). In Search of Sources (on the occasion of the 75th birth anniversary of Volodymyr Baran). Ukrainoznavstvo-2002. Kalendar-shchorichnyk. (Ukrainian Studies 2002. Calendar-Yearbook). Kyiv, pp. 224–227. [in Ukr.]

KRUSHELNYTSKA, L. (2001). Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Volodymyr Baran. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian Studies), Vol. 1, pp. 160–162. [in Ukr.]

LIEBIEDIEVA, O. (2007). The Concept of Ethnogenesis of Ukrainians in V. and Ya. Baran’s Monograph “The Origin of the Ukrainian People”. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva (Collected Scientific Works of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies), Vol. XV. Kyiv: Rada, pp. 45–49. [in Ukr.]

LIEBIEDIEVA, O. (2010). The Problem of the Formation of the Ukrainian Ethnos in Ukrainian Studies of the Late 19th – Early 21st Century. Ukrainoznavchyi almanakh (Ukrainian Studies Almanac), Vol. 2. Kyiv, pp. 106–109. [in Ukr.]

LIEBIEDIEVA, O. (2008). The Problem of the Origin of the Ukrainian People in the Studies of M. Braichevskyi, V. Petrov, V. Balushko, and V. Baran. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva (Collected Scientific Works of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies), Vol. XX. Kyiv, pp. 309–326. [in Ukr.]

RENKE, T. (2007). In Love with the Ukrainian Antiquity. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian Studies), Vol. 3, pp. 22–24. [in Ukr.]

BARAN, V. (1990). Slavs of South-Eastern Europe in the Pre-State Period. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 488 p. [in Rus.]

TOLOCHKO, D. (2013). The Ethnic Consciousness of the Ukrainian People Against the Patterns of Ethnic and Cultural Development of Human Communities in South-Eastern Europe. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoho naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva ta vsesvitnoi istorii. (Collected Scientific Works of the National Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies and World History), Vol. XXXI. Kyiv: NRIUSWH, pp. 99–114. [in Ukr.]

TOLOCHKO, P. (1999). A Word about the Jubilant. In: Etnokulturni protsesy v Pivdenno-Skhidnii Yevropi v I tysiacholitti n.e.: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats (Ethnocultural Processes in South-Eastern Europe in the 1st Millennium AD: Collected Scientific Works). Kyiv; Lviv, pp. 5–7. [in Ukr.]

Ukraine and Ukrainians in Ethnocultural Processes: Conceptual Generalizations. (2018). Kyiv: RIUS, 304 p. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu. (2016). Contribution of Volodymyr Baran to the Study of Ancient Halych. Ukrainoznavstvo. (Ukrainian Studies), Vol. 3, pp. 204–221. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu. (2018). Ethnocultural Dimension of the Scientific Work of Mikhailo Sikorskyi. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian Studies), Vol. 1, pp. 51–62. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu. (2013). Interconnection of Generations. Volodymyr Baran as a Tireless Researcher of the Prehistory of Ukraine. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoho naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva ta vsesvitnoi istorii. (Collected Scientific Works of the National Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies and World History), Vol. XXXI. Kyiv: NRIUSWH, pp. 13–37. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu., SHAKUROVA, O. (2018). Volodymyr Baran’s Ethnocultural and Ethnogenetic Studies. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian studies), Vol. 2 (67), pp. 88–107. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu., SHAKUROVA, O. (2018). Volodymyr Baran’s Ethnocultural and Ethnogenetic Studies. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian Studies), Vol. 3 (68), pp. 41–61. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu., SHAKUROVA, O. (2019). Change of Approaches to Scientific Study of the Ukrainian People’s Genesis in the Second Half of the 20th — Early 21st Century. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian Studies), Vol. 2 (71), pp. 123–139. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu. (2017). Contribution of Professor V. Baran to the Scientific Work of the Department of Ethnology of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Pytannia istorii nauky i tekhniky (Questions of the History of Science and Technology), (3 (43)), pp. 34–46. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu., YAROSHYN­SKYI, O. (2007). Volodymyr Baran: An Outstanding Ukrainian Scientist (on the occasion of his 80th birth anniversary). In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva (Collected Scientific Works of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies), Vol. XV. Kyiv: Rada, pp. 12–44. [in Ukr.]

FIHURNYI, Yu., YAROSHYNSKYI, O. (2008). The Beacons of Ukrainian Studies. Kyiv, 146 p. [in Ukr.]

CHYRKOV, O., SHAKUROVA, O. (2013). The Ethnological Component of Volodymyr Baran’s Concept about the Origin of the Slavic Ethnic Community and Ukrainians. Ukrainoznavstvo (Ukrainian Studies), Vol. 3–4 (48–49), pp. 127–136. [in Ukr.]

CHYRKOV, O. (2013). Presentation of Volodymyr Baran’s Scientific Work on Wikipedia and Other Web Resources in the Ukrainian Language. In: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoho naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu ukrainoznavstva ta vsesvitnoi istorii (Collected of Scientific Works of the National Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies and World History), Vol. XXXI. Kyiv: NRIUSWH, pp. 59–87. [in Ukr.]

SHAKUROVA, O. (2015). The Coverage of Historiography of the Ukrainians’ Ethnogenesis in the Works of Modern Ukrainian Scholars. In: I. Nabytobych, ed., Spheres of Culture. Vol. 12, pp. 214–221. [in Ukr.]

SHAKUROVA, O. (2017). Basic Concepts of the Origin of the Ukrainian Ethnos: Historiography of the Problem (the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 21st century). In: Ukraina i ukrainstvo v etnokulturnykh protsesakh: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats (Ukraine and Ukrainians in Ethnocultural Processes: Collected Scientific Works). Kyiv: RIUS, pp. 135–145. [in Ukr.]

SHAKUROVA, O. (2018). Historio­graphical Analysis of the Early Medieval Concept of the Origin of the Ukrainian People. In: Ukraine and Ukrainians in Ethnocultural Processes: A Collective Monograph. Kyiv: RIUS, pp. 93–114. [in Ukr.]

SHAKUROVA, O., FIHURNYI, Yu., ed., (2017). Key Concepts of the Origin of the Ukrainian People: Domestic Historiography (the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 21st century). Kyiv: Vydavets Oleh Filiuk, pp. 135–145. [in Ukr.]

SHAKUROVA, O. (2016). Origin of the Ukrainian People in the Historiographic Discourse of the Late 19th – Early 21st Century. [An abstract of Thesis for Candidate of Sciences degree in History]. Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, 20 p. [in Ukr.]




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