Декілька джерел до топографії Луцька початку XVII століття




Біографія автора

Nazar Biletsky, НДІУ

Назар Білецький

молодший науковий співробітник відділу історичних пам’яток НДІУ


KAPRAL, M. (2014). The European Atlas of Historical Cities: The Concept, Realization, and the Ukrainian Context. Ukrainskyi istorychnhyi zhurnal (The Ukrainian Historical Journal), (4). Kyiv, pp. 147–160. [in Ukr.]

KAPRAL, M. (2011). Condition and Prospects for the Research of the History of Ukrainian Cities: An Example of Late Medieval and Early Modern Lviv. Ukraina: kulturna spadshchyna, natsionalna svidomist, derzhavnist. (Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Consciousness, Statehood), Vol. 20, pp. 313–323. [in Ukr.]

PSHENYCHNYI, Yu. (2016). The Historical Topography of Dubno and Its Surroundings in the 10th–18th Centuries. [A thesis for Candidate of Sciences degree in History, specialty 07.00.04 – Archaeology]. Lutsk, 261 p. [in Ukr.]

TERSKYI, S. (2007). A New Look upon the Historical Topography of Volodymyr-Volynskyi (10th–14th c.) in the Light of the Excavations in 1999–2000. Materialy i doslidzhennia z arkheolohii Prykarpattia i Volyni. (Archaeological Materials and Research of Subcarpathia and Volhynia), Vol. 11, pp. 256–263. [in Ukr.]

VORONCHUK, I., ed. (2014). 16th-Century Volhynia, Vol. 1. of The Ukrainian Everyday Life of the Early Modern Era: Collected Documents. Kyiv, 739 p. [in Ukr.]

The Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv (TsDIAK of Ukraine). [in Ukr.]

CLASSEN, A. (2009). Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, VII+757 pp. [in Eng.]






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