Деякі прийоми з юридичного інструментарію волинського адвоката XVII століття




Біографія автора

Mykola Vysotin, Науково-дослідний інститут українознавства

Микола Висотін

науковий співробітник відділу історичних пам’яток НДІУ


BARANOVYCH, O. (1930). The Settlement of Volhynia Voivodeship in the First Half of the 17th Century. Kyiv, 156 p. [in Ukr.]

DOVBYSHCHENKO, M. (2019). Ukrainian Lawyers in Volhynia during the Polish-Lithuanian Period of the 16th–18th Centuries. Kyiv: KVITs, 288 p. [in Ukr.]

SMOLII, V., ed., et. al. (2009). Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine. Vol. 6. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 784 p. [in. Ukr.]

ZAIATS, A. (2018). Landvogts in Volhynian Cities of the 16th – the First Half of the 17th Century. Warehouses, Personnel, Powers. Misto: istoriia, kultura, suspilstvo. E-zhurnal urbanistychnykh studii (City: History, Culture, Society. E-Journal of Urban Studies), Vol. 1 (5), pp. 59–69. [in Ukr.]

STARCHENKO, N. (2008). Court Officials in Volhynia in the Last Third of the 16th and Early 17th Century: Court Officers or Servants? Sotsium. Almanakh sotsialnoi istorii (Society. Almanac of Social History), Vol. 8, pp. 134–162. [in Ukr.]

STARCHENKO, N. (2013). Assaults and Robberies in the Noble Society of Volhynia (1566 – the beginning of the 17th century). Ukraina v Tsentralno-Skhidnii Yevropi (Ukraine in Central-Eastern Europe), (12), pp. 242–269. [in Ukr.]

STARCHENKO, N. (2010). Judicial Rhetoric as a Manifestation of Values of the Volhynian Nobility of the Late 16th Century (the case study of murder of Balthazar Hnivosh from Oleksov). Sotsium. Almanakh Sotsialnoi Istorii (Society. Almanac of Social History), Vol. 9, pp. 318–360. [in Ukr.]

STARCHENKO, N. (2002). Commis­sioners – Prosecutors – Friends. Who Are They? (Establishment of the Institute of Advocacy in Volhynia at the End of the 16th Century). Sotsium. Almanakh sotsialnoi istorii (Society. Almanac of Social History), Vol. 1, pp. 111–144. [in Ukr.]

KIVALOV, S., ed., et. al. (2003). Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1566. Vol. 2. Odesa: Yurydychna literatura, 560 p. [in Ukr.]

Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv. [in Ukr.]




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