Humanism of the Civilization Project of Ukraine: The Search for the Worldview and Methodological Basis of Productive Social Practices


  • Nazip Khamitov Інститут філософії імені Г.С. Сковороди НАН України, Україна



The article shows that each country, which is not an object but a subject of history and geopolitics, has its own civilizational project. It has been proven that the meaning and purpose of this project in a democratic, open society is the worthy self-realization of citizens in productive social practices, which gives rise to the civilizational subjectivity of the country.

Based on the methodological strategies of meta-anthropology and meta-anthropological potentialism, a humanistic civilisational project is understood as an image of the future of the country, generating a strategy of free, dignified, and effective implementation in the world thanks to the worthy self-realization of its citizens, in the process of which cultural identity is formed in combination with civilisational progress. A humanistic civilizational project is the result of a productive civilizational choice that makes a country a subject of history and its citizens protected, free, and not a threat to other countries.

It has been proven that the worthy self-realization of the individual in any era and among any people becomes the basis of civilizational projects and the development of civilization. However, only in the 21st century does it begin to be recognized as the main goal of civilizational projects, making these projects not only more humanistic but also more effective. A civilizational project in which man, his development, and self-realization are only a means will not be successful today under any circumstances. This should be taken into account when creating and implementing the Ukrainian civilizational project.

It is shown that in human life the cultural and civilizational principles are in constant interaction – culture is the spiritual content of civilization, and civilization creates conditions for the development of culture. Civilization takes on meaning as a means of revealing the socio-economic and cultural potential of a country, bringing it to the world level, and culture acts as a way of inspiration, worldview deepening and humanization of civilization. Therefore, the social practices of the civilizational project of Ukraine, which actualize its subjectivity, should be humanistic in conditions of both war and peace.



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— Оновлено 2024-07-01




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